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Sometimes, when we try to solve story problems, we become stuck. This is because our idea of the story is never the whole story. This stuckness may last for weeks, months, and even decades, as we circle the apparent “problem” endlessly, while failing to realize that it is unsolvable. It is unsolvable because at the heart of every story is a dilemma, not a problem. Problems are solved, while dilemmas are resolved through a shift in perception. When we start to recognize the nature of the dilemma, a through-line appears and our story begins to reveal itself.
The conscious mind is good at doing one thing: it answers the questions we ask it. When a writer gets blocked, he tends to ask questions like, “Why is this so difficult?” And his brain gives him answers to that question. But what if we had a series of questions (and an experienced guide) that took us directly to the heart of our story, so that we could shine a light on the process of how a story is born. Unlock The Story Within is not a formulaic approach to story structure. Through this workshop you will discover how you are uniquely qualified to tell your story. The very fears that kept you stuck are, in fact, your way into the story. Unlock The Story Within will help you to articulate what you didn’t know you were trying to say.
Through lecture, discussion and stream-of-consciousness writing exercises, Unlock The Story Within provides writers at all levels with the tools necessary to successfully bring their work to fruition. This video includes specially designed stream-of-consciousness writing exercises as Alan Watt illustrates the process of connecting to the underlying forces within your story. Armed with this connection, Al will then guide you through a story structure workshop that will show you how to connect your plot to your theme. Characters suggest plot, and once you allow your characters to live fully in the world of your story, you will discover previously unimagined possibilities for where your story wants to take you.
Running time: 127 minutes
(All prices are in USD)