Turning the impossible into something possible is the magic of story. We often have an idea of the direction our story is going. But sometimes we discover that it's not happening the way we had …
Writing Tip – How to Show and Tell
"Action is eloquence." - William Shakespeare If we find ourselves editorializing, that is telling or explaining what is happening in our story. It's “OK” . . . however, we probably don't want to …
Surrender to Your Story
Our story asks everything of us. If it didn’t, we would never surrender. How often do we live our lives as though we were not going to die? We make choices and even avoid opportunities out of fear. We …
Writing Without Distraction
You’ve begun working in earnest. The story is alive, your cylinders are firing. You’re getting up every morning and putting in the hours. But then, something happens. Life delivers a distraction, …
Setting a Plan with Purpose
Do you often find it hard to stick to your writing plan? How often do “important tasks” distract you and pull you away from your deeper purpose? Fantasy football sounds like a hoot, but if it is …
Creativity is Your Birthright
Creativity is your birthright. We live in a culture that is invested in our believing otherwise. I frequently hear folks talk of talent as though it's a finite commodity. People tend to think you …
A Pencil for Christmas
When I was three, my mother asked me what I wanted for Christmas, and I said I wanted a pencil. Oh God, so badly, I wanted one. I ached for my pencil. I dreamt about my pencil. Toys held no interest …
Humor in Writing
There is nothing less funny than writing about humor. I was a standup comic for years. Every once in a while after a show, some dude would come up to me wanting to discuss my act. I'd cringe while …
Finishing Your Story: 5 Tips to Get You to the End
For all you writers struggling somewhere in the middle of your manuscript, here are five tips to get you to the end. 1) Create a deadline for yourself. Think of a practical timeframe to complete …
The Nature of the “Want”
"To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction." - Isaac Newton While exploring the nature of the "want" in your story, it’s important to understand that you are an artist and you …